日本山梨縣推薦夢幻透明和菓子食記,水信玄餅,水蛋糕,水麻糬,做法教學 mizu shingen mochi (書,食譜,recipe,大阪,東京,黃豆粉,金精軒)

夏天到來加上暑假開始,要去日本旅行的朋友一定不可以錯過這個日本山梨縣的和菓子: 水信玄餅 (又稱水蛋糕,水麻糬,透明蛋糕)。 這個在日本被稱之為夢歡甜點的透明和菓子,因為不能夠放太久 (會變成一攤水)而變成只能在現場享用的非外帶水蛋糕。

[食記推薦] 日本山梨縣夢幻透明和菓子:水信玄餅,水蛋糕,水麻糬mizu shingen mochi (做法,教學,書,食譜,recipe,大阪,東京,黃豆粉,金精軒,甜點,伴手禮特產,Kinseiken Seika,AKB48,武田信玄)

[日本伴手禮] 東京ばな奈: 東京香蕉蛋糕 tokyo banana 試吃心得與斷面秀(Click)

[食記] TreeTop 樹頂純天然果汁軟糖: 開箱 好市多COSTCO整箱80包 (Click)


水信玄餅 | 日式水蛋糕 限30分鐘內吃完

日本甜點公司 Kinseiken Seika 先前推出一款獨特且精緻的蛋糕,原名為 水信玄餅 (mizu shingen mochi) 水麻糬,網友取另名為水蛋糕 (water cake),外觀透明澄澈像一顆巨型水滴,也像RO仙境傳說的波利和RPG經常出現的史萊姆。水信玄餅推出後在網上掀起討論熱潮,網友都相當好奇這塊迷人的水蛋糕的滋味。

食記推薦,日本山梨縣,水信玄餅,水蛋糕,mizu shingen mochi)(,金精軒,Kinseiken Seika,recipe,AKB48,武田信玄)_002


食記推薦,日本山梨縣,水信玄餅,水蛋糕,mizu shingen mochi)(,金精軒,Kinseiken Seika,recipe,AKB48,武田信玄)3

食記推薦,日本山梨縣,水信玄餅,水蛋糕,mizu shingen mochi)(,金精軒,Kinseiken Seika,recipe,AKB48,武田信玄)4


水蛋糕在室溫下只能維持形狀30分鐘,所以顧客食用時須於30分內吃完,適合內用不適合外帶。報導表示,蛋糕外形迷人就像一塊透亮的水晶,入口質地非常柔軟滑順,味道像糖果口味的果凍,但紅糖和黃豆粉的味道似乎壓過蛋糕本身的味道。據悉,目前水蛋糕只在山梨縣的兩家 Kinseiken 售賣,是非常特別且夢幻的日本和菓子

食記推薦,日本山梨縣,水信玄餅,水蛋糕,mizu shingen mochi)(,金精軒,Kinseiken Seika,recipe,AKB48,武田信玄)5

食記推薦,日本山梨縣,水信玄餅,水蛋糕,mizu shingen mochi)(,金精軒,Kinseiken Seika,recipe,AKB48,武田信玄)7


[食記.推薦]日本山梨縣夢幻透明和菓子_水信玄餅(水蛋糕,mizu shingen mochi)(,金精軒,Kinseiken Seika,recipe,AKB48,武田信玄)_007



We travel to Yamanasi to try the water cake

You may recall that we introduced a very unique and delicate cake in one of our articles earlier this month — the mizu shingen mochi, which looks like a huge drop of water magically suspended in solid form. Seeing how the cake seemed to have received a good deal of attention from Japanese internet users and readers of our English site as well, we decided we needed to try the cake ourselves, and promptly sent one of our Japanese reporters to the shop in Yamanashi Prefecture where they served the surreal-looking mizu shingen mochi. So, how did the “water cake” actually look and taste?

The unusual cake made by the Kinseiken Seika Company, is a variation on the company’s trademark rice-cake confection shingen mochi, and is made from water from the Southern Japanese Alps, which they’ve solidified just enough to give it a shape.

Because the cake is so delicate, it retains its shape only for about 30 minutes once it’s served at room temperature, so in order to try the mizu shingen mochi, you have to travel to one of the two Kinseiken shops in Yamanashi Prefecture and eat it right there.

And travel we did! To taste the fascinating cake, our reporter went to the shop in Daigahara, which is in the city of Hokuto in Yamanashi. It’s not particularly convenient to access by train, so getting there by car is probably the best option, which without heavy traffic takes about two hours from Tokyo. When our reporter got to the shop a little past 11am on a Saturday, the water cake was actually sold out, so he went back the next morning before 10am. Even so, there was quite a crowd, including many guests who seemed to be from outside of Japan, and he had to wait just under an hour to get in.


煩請您不吝幫忙2015.3月剛成立的"粉絲團"與"文章"按讚分享 謝謝您!


[日本伴手禮]東京ばな奈:東京香蕉蛋糕tokyo banana試吃心得與斷面秀

[食記]TreeTop樹頂純天然果汁軟糖: 開箱 好市多COSTCO整箱80包(Click)

平價波蘭Terravita Chocolate黑巧克力體驗試吃,草莓夾心 (Click)

[甜點]法國歐尚Auchan自有品牌平價巧克力體驗試吃 (Click)



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[食記.推薦] 日本山梨縣夢幻透明和菓子:水信玄餅,水蛋糕,水麻糬mizu shingen mochi(做法,教學,書,食譜,recipe,大阪,東京,黃豆粉,金精軒,甜點,伴手禮特產,Kinseiken Seika,,AKB48,武田信玄)水麻糬


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