昨天,在美國拉斯維加斯(Las Vegas)舉行的2014告示牌(Billboard)音樂獎頒獎典禮上,出現了令人驚訝與懷念的巨星,那就是90年代的流行界天王: 麥可.傑克森(Michael Jackson)復活了!這一幕,讓在場所有曾經於90年代被這位巨星的舞步與音樂影響過的人,感動到眼淚直流。
[娛樂]Michael Jackson麥可傑克森復活影片!2014年美國拉斯維加斯告示牌音樂獎頒獎典禮,3D全息攝影技術(hologram)重製最新復活單曲Slave To The Rhythm,MV!(月球漫步,新專輯,巨星體驗,新歌歌詞,演唱會,私生子,xscape,beat it,thriller,billie jean,dangerous,songs,download,45度)
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Michael Jackson hologram performs:
Slave To The Rhythm and gets standing ovation at Billboard Music Awards
The onstage resurrection garnered a standing ovation by the massive star-studded audience, who were clearly moved by the performance nearly five years after his death - but it might not have happened.
Only on Friday did a federal judge rule that the Billboard Music Awards could use the hologram, rejecting efforts from tech companies seeking to block the digital performance.
Billboard Awards 2014:
Michael Jackson's hologram steals the show
Judge Kent Dawson said there wasn't enough evidence to show the planned 3-D image would violate patents held by Hologram USA Inc. and Musion Das Hologram Ltd.
The companies own rights to technology known for digitally resurrecting deceased rapper Tupac Shakur at the 2012 Coachella music festival.
'The court's decision is not surprising,' attorney Howard Weitzman, who represented Jackson's estate and dick clark productions, wrote in an email. 'The request to stop this extraordinary Michael Jackson event was ludicrous.
Plans to use the hologram during the show Sunday emerged with the lawsuit, but weren't confirmed until the hearing Friday afternoon. Show producers had been promoting only a 'history-making performance' at Las Vegas' MGM Grand Garden Arena that would promote Xscape.
Hologram USA and Musion said in their emergency lawsuit on Thursday that one of their products was being used without authorisation by a competitor to create a segment that depicts Jackson performing Slave to the Rhythm.
Attorney Michael Feder, representing the show and Jackson estate, filed a response on Friday, saying the holographic performance had been planned for months and was discussed with Alki David, who owns the rights to the technology that creates and projects lifelike images to appear alongside live performers through Hologram USA and Musion.
搖滾之王,麥克傑克森 復活 (引自 2014.5.19 新聞+個人簡評)
已故流行樂之王(King of Pop)麥可傑克遜(Michael Jackson),2014年5月19日在美國拉斯維加斯舉行的2014 Billboard告示牌音樂獎頒獎典禮上公開了一段特別節目,那就是麥可傑克遜復活演唱新單曲<Slave To The Rhythm>,全場驚呼連連,紛紛拿起手機拍攝,更有歌手激動掉下眼淚。原來主辦單位以Hologram(全息攝影技術)秘密製作半年,當晚放送時,麥可栩栩如生的表情及大秀招牌舞步,和舞群精采互動,宛如本尊就在觀眾眼前,唱罷獲得全場起立喝采膜拜,令懷念他的歌迷們感動不已。
(未來這個技術如果再更為成熟,相信麥克的其他知名作品像是beat it, thriller, billie jean, dangerous都有可能再現舞台,令人期待;此外,就中華文化流行音樂的角度,也希望這個技術能夠用來重建台灣早期歌手的重現,像是小鄧鄧麗君的何日君再來。)
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[娛樂]Michael Jackson麥可傑克森復活影片:3D全息攝影技術(hologram),重製復活單曲Slave To The Rhythm,MV,2014美國拉斯維加斯告示牌音樂獎頒獎典禮(月球漫步,新專輯,巨星體驗,新歌歌詞,演唱會,xscape,beat it,thriller,billie jean)