先前NBA克里夫蘭騎士隊的看板球星 Kyrie Irving 曾以老人的妝扮,並化名 Uncle Drew 到街頭籃球場與年輕人互動。這次,傳奇 Free Style 足球球星 Sean Garnier,也以同樣的方法讓年輕人感受到他精湛的足球盤球技巧。剛好這個影片也搭上了這波世界盃足球大賽 FIFA 的熱潮!
[運動]2014傳奇Free Style足球球星Sean Garnier繼Uncle Drew後也扮老人踢足球(2014最新世足賽主題曲,賽程,轉播時間,概念股票,冠軍預測,分組名單,德國,巴西,西班牙,荷蘭,C羅,奶機妹,女友)
世界足球大賽 FIFA Sean Garnier化身神秘老人驚豔全場
Sean Garnier所妝扮的老人一開始還裝弱一直掉球與抄截;到1分21秒開始的影片位置,你將可以看到Sean Garnier的驚人盤球與過人技巧,還有街頭足球與籃球常惡搞用的脫褲子絕招XD,以及2:20秒位置的偷天換日。
Who is Sean Garnier
Most people can kick a football - some can do a kick-up or two - but Arnaud “Séan” Garnier possess the skills to make a football dance. The freestyle football star hails from Sens in France, and began his football career like most – on the pitch. Unfortunately, a string of injuries eventually forced Séan to abandon his dream of a career as a professional footballer. But all was not lost – he began to study as a football instructor in Paris, and in 2006 discovered a new passion that combined break dancing and football; the urban art of freestyle football.
Séan quickly found his groove, developing his own style and unique set of skills. Within two years, he went from demoing on the streets of Paris to the world stage, and in 2008 was crowned World Champion at the inaugural Red Bull Street Style World Finals in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the spiritual home of freestyle.
Séan’s style is more than ball tricks – he’s combined music, breakdance and basketball in his many winning routines, ousting the likes of respected Japanese freestyler Yosuke Yokota and his trademark somersaults. With a host of French Championship and podium finishes under his belt, Séan strives to develop the creativity of freestyle football, pushing boundaries together with his team, Street Style Society.
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[運動] 傳奇Free Style足球球星Sean Garnier繼Uncle Drew後也扮老人踢足球(2014最新世足賽主題曲,賽程,轉播時間,概念股票,冠軍預測,分組名單,德國,巴西,西班牙,荷蘭,C羅,奶機妹,女友)